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måndag, juli 17


Played the first sng in the FTL with chef made a 5:th place and teamcaptain chef won it, great game there chef. U really are the Captain!

The 20K freeroll was a tough one Doubble up early but then run out of cards, when i finally got something my KK was busted by 99 of course he went all-in and hit a 9 on flop. Not to much chips left and about 300 left. Tryed to steal some blinds then my A 10 run into AA and i was out at 194;th place.

The 10K Guaranted had 125 players top 20paid. Got no cards at all first hour and played fold'em boring but my patience was rewarded when i doubbled up with JJ and once more with AQ. After 3 hours we were down to 20 and i got KK i got a huge raise before it was my turn so i forced all in was up agaist AK and everything was looking god until he hit the A on the river , and i was out at 17:th place. Sad to lose with the best hand i got for 3,5 hours play. ok got $100 so ok result, that 10K is always a real tight and tough tourney.

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